Jalcomulco Excursion | Mexico Abroad Corporation

Jalcomulco is located approximatly 40 minutes outside of Xalapa.

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It is a small town located on the upper watershed of the Antigua River. It is surrounded by beautiful mountain views and lush greenery. Many of the locals farm sweet mangos, mamey, banana and lime.Tourist know the area is for its eco-sports. Visitors can enjoy rappleing, zip line, whitewater rafting and hiking.  The average temperature is around 75 degrees farinheight.

We will begin in the center of town and journey to the otherside of the river. Participants have the option to cross by a wooden hanging bridge or a paved bridge where cars, dogs and donkies can pass.puente jalcomulco 5

The local resturants are known for its fresh trout, acamaya (giant river shrimp) and crucetas (a soft cactus). We will enjoy a good lunch beside the river before we set off into nature.

Our walk will begin on a small dirt road that passes thru the jungle with views of the vally. This road is used by local excursion companies, farmers on donkies and other hikers.  As we enter the forest we will turn onto a foot trail. This trail will bring us under the canopy of mango and rainforst trees. We will cross a small river and then hike up a dry river bed of boulder. At times we may need to use our hands and feet to manouver up the river bed. Surrounded by giant trees and cliffs you will forget Xalapa even existed. Our excursion destination is a number of fresh water pools. The water holes where created by a once large system of small water falls. The water no longer has its strong force and is now a series of water holes and a brook. Hikers can jump in the water from a rope swing, dip their toes in, relax, explore and enjoy the scenery.

poza jalcomulco 9The hike is approximatly 1 hour in each direction. We will take a rest before heading up the river bed. This will allow the group to to feel comfortable and enjoy the forest. Hikers can stop and take a few photos as we walk.

Meeting point:

We will meet at Los Sauces bus stop on September 4th at 10 am and take a 20 minute bus to Coatepec. From Coatepec we will take a 25 minute bus ride to Jalcomulco (it can take up to 30min to cath the next bus).  We may take the same bus route or a direct bus back from Jalcomulco to Los Sauces in Xalapa. We will arrive back in Xalapa anywhere in between 5 and 7pm.

What do I bring?

Wear comfortable hiking clothes for warm weather climate. Lightweight pants and a T shirt work well. Wear comfortable sneakers or hiking sandals such as Tevas. Slip on shoes or flip flops are not recommended. Wear a swimsuit and bring a change of dry underclothing and a towel (travel towels work best). Bring a bottle of water and a snack. You can purchase drinks and snacks at Los Sauces bus station or in the town of Jalcomulco. You can bring a packed lunch if you do not want to eat in the resturant. Depending on your order, a (non-alcoholic) beverage and dish can cost anywhere from $55 -$120 Pesos. Bring a backpack or anytype of bag to carry your personal items. Every individual will be required to carry their own belongings.

The cost of this tour is $200. Pesos. This does not include lunch or bus fair. Bus fair will be around $85 Pesos each way. You will be responsible for paying your fair on the bus. Therefore, bring small denominations. The guide will be at your assistance (if needed) during the bus ride. Feel free to ask us for directions to and from Los Sauces bus stop.

You are welcome to invite friends and family. The price is the same for all participants. All those who participate are required to be 18 years of age and sign a release form.  Please email us your name and the names of all attendants in advance, a contact number so we can create our the “signup sheet”. This way we can have the proper number of guides for the tour. You will receive your confirmation and maps and the “signup sheet”

We look forward to guiding you on our adventure to Jalcolmulco.

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The travel and tourism for every one | Mexico Abroad Corporation

The travel and tourism for every one

Author: Ian R O Clayton

A vacation is a plan for recreation and tourism that is planned by an individual for himself or for a group of people. It has be observed that people prefer going on trips and journeys when they have offs from their work, school or college.

Vacations are generally planned with the friends and family. They are the time when days are spend relaxing and enjoying.

Travel and tourism is planned for leisure and recreational purposes. So when you are travelling, you become a tourist. A tourist is a person who is at a particular time ravelling and staying out o the place and environment where he usually stays.

Some people travel a lot, while others travel quite occasionally. Depending upon what suits you, travelling is something that you cannot do away with. O matter how much you love your home and I am sure you equally love moving out of those home and take break.

It is a leisure activity. Tourism has been noticed as a preferred activity at places like France, Greece, United States, Egypt, etc.

Many islands like Philippines, Maldives, Fiji, etc are places people visit again and again. It is the travel and tourism industry that is the major driving force of the economy of a number of countries.

Leisure tourism

Leisure tourism is a type of tourism that is associated to the Industrial revolution. These tourists who are known as the leisure tourist travel to the tropics during both the summer season and the winter season. Such locations for leisure tourism include places like Bali, Brazil, Cuba, etc.

These places do not see seasonal tourist and in fact people like to travel to these locations also at any time of the year. This is the reason as to why these places remain quite populated most of the times.

Winter tourism

As the name suggests, these are the places that are made for tourism only in the winter season. The most popular activity at such a place is skiing. In the earlier times many hotels used to remain closed during the winter season. Lately all of these people who are a part of the tourism industry have realised what winter tourism is all about.

Many of these skiing resorts are there is mainly the European countries.

Mass tourism

Mass tourism is like a perfect and well equipped vacation and holiday destination. They have innumerable facilities that will keep the tourists’ busy and engaged at all times.

I will also briefly talk over here about the newly coined terms with respect to tourism.

They are:

1. Ecotourism

Eco tourism is a form of tourism that is done usually to protect the endangered places. The tourist to such a location is well educated and he very well understands the purpose of his visit.

The funds that he is giving in this holiday time period will be used for some noble cause. This might lead to some economic development or some sort of upliftment of the people or some animal species that is endangered. This is something where people are planning to do a lot these days.

2. Pro-poor tourism

This is a type of tourism in the poorest of the poor countries. These are the under developed or the developing countries.

With the help of pro – poor tourism, these destinations get the required attention. The money thus generated is used for helping the people of the community.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/travel-articles/the-travel-and-tourism-for-every-one-4893036.html

About the Author

Planning your holiday but worried a little about budget? We are specialized in vacation special deals. Visit our site to get the best deal on vacations and enjoy vacation at affordable price.

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